Rock and Roll Heaven
Hello again, Constant Reader. (That's a line I stole from Stephen King). Speaking of SK, there's a story of his I read that still freaks me out called "You Know They Got a Hell of a Band." It's about this couple that goes on vacation and get lost driving on some backroads. They end up in a perfect little town called Rock and Roll Heaven, Oregon. The couple soon realize that the town is run by dead rock stars and that once you find this place, there is no going back. They are forced to live there for the rest of their lives, working menial jobs and going to nightly rock concerts that really last for years. This story scared the hell out of me. To this day, when I'm on an unfamiliar road, I say to myself, "You're going to end up in Rock and Roll Heaven." Weird, huh? Over the years I've read quite a lot of old SK. That story and "Dolan's Cadillac" top my favorites in the short story department. As far as novels go, I'm partial to The Stand (complete and uncut). I also love his novella "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption," which, of course, was the basis for the movie Shawshank Redemption.
This is Labor Day and I have rested from my labors. Of course, almost every day is Labor Day for me. I'm the laziest.....well, I'm not going to get into that right now.
This is Labor Day and I have rested from my labors. Of course, almost every day is Labor Day for me. I'm the laziest.....well, I'm not going to get into that right now.